Everywhere I go, I meet people who are different, abnormal, strange, out of the ordinary. So this is my question: Are there any normal people left? And if there are, they must be a minority, which would make normal the new abnormal and abnormal the new normal.
The world is getting smaller by the day, everyday more people are beginning to use the internet, technology and various forms of communication are forever improving. We are going from what was once a planet with many very distinct cultures to a planet where the lines dividing cultures are becoming less obvious. This is of course a general observation and there are many protected cultures, such as in China and the most northern North East part of India, as well as the few hard to access places on earth.
An American can sit in China and be up-to-date with local news, national news, friends and family. An Ethiopian can brows chat rooms and befriend a Canadian. A mother can cook anything she likes by googling the recipe for any dish.
How many British can actually be called British? How many South Africans can be called South Africans? A large portion of my South African friends are more American than anything else, but then I have American friends who are more African than many Africans. Do we now get to choose our culture? Or are all cultures being blended together to form a universal kind of…thing?
Mankind is evolving into a multicultural society where people aren’t limited by borders or information. Some take a hold of this and make use of its benefits, some may shun it and block themselves from it, whilst there are still many others who are simply not as privileged as us to be open to this new world. But for anyone who is online now reading this. I’m sure what I’ve said holds true, for you.
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