Monday, 12 December 2011

I’m sorry, but there’s no such thing as independence

Independence does not exist. We only think that it does.
It is a mirage on the horizon of our pride.
Nothing and no-one can be independent
Everything and everyone must be interdependent
Can the fruit of a tree deny the existence of hidden roots which feed it? Or do they spring out of air? Can a son exist without first having a father and a mother? Or did he also spring out of the air?
You may stand on your own two feet. But you are standing on something.  You may sail across the ocean, but it’s the wind which carries you.
Ultimately, all things, success or failure, riches or poverty, life or death, come down to our dependence on an interdependent Trinity.

1 comment:

  1. "Can the fruit of a tree deny the existence of hidden roots which feed it?" Trees are such great analogies!
    The Church is very interdependent, but we often forget how we're one. (As we discussed) People's decisions/actions affect other people a lot, in the spiritual sense.
