To see what I previously wrote on this subject go here. What I would like to do now is to clarify what I’ve said, expound a bit, and correct my own thinking where I may have been wrong.
By the way, have you seen the hit you tube video, Why I hate Religion, But Love Jesus? With currently more than 29M views its worth a watch. I think this video has taken the idea of which I spoke about, to the extreme. Too far into the extreme. For a good, balanced response to the video read, Does Jesus Hate Religion? Kinda, Sorta, Not Really.
What I spoke about was a move of Christianity, from a relationship, to a religion to a culture. The image in my mind was one of the believers beginning out close to Jesus, following him, followed by generations who followed what the followers did, followed by generations who live in the culture created by their forefathers, but not having any personal connection to Christ themselves. To an extent, I believe this to be the case. But certainly not for everyone. I don’t however believe that culture or religion is wrong.
Religion, is the contextual framework in which we understand God, His Kingdom, Salvation, Man, Life and Death.
Religion, correctly practiced, ought to facilitates our Relationship with Christ, provide a structure and framework within which to work, where as Culture also has a role in promoting and living out that relationship with Christ.
Your thoughts are welcome.
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