Monday, 30 May 2011

From Relationship to Religion to Culture

I am no expert historian, I never studied history academically, but I do like to read and observe and it is through this casual observation that something has come to my attention: the move in Christianity from relationship to religion to culture.
Back in the day…way Back, Adam and Eve hung out with God, good times…then the fall came and they were separated from Him, so Jesus came and now we can come back into a relationship with God. I think the Church of the Bible got this right, but after a while all the acts of the Apostles started becoming religious practices that would be set in stone. “The apostles did it this way…so we should too”, was the presumption (i think), but what they failed to realise was that the apostles themselves were not following some rigged set of rules or formulae of doing things, they were simply following God where He lead them. Thing is, God doesn’t always work the same way with everyone, he doesn’t always do things the same way, neither does he need to make some specific formula for how things should be done…why? Because he is God: Proverbs 19:21 “People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord’s will is going to be done.”
That’s somewhat history, not for a lot of people all over the world, but for most of my immediate circle of friends, it is history. Now, Christianity has become a cultural thing…it’s more like a “I think there is a God but I’m not Moslem, I’m not Hindu, I’m not Buddhist…well I guess I’ll just be Christian since that’s what my friends are and I don’t agree with Terrorist and those Hindu’s with the strange looking idols” Well, what I think is that that kind of Christianity is no different to Hindu or Moslem, it is powerless, it is a worldly thing, it exists only for the purpose of the person believing in it and the followers are equally lost.
What we need, really need, is a relationship with our creator. If this is not something you are willing to pursue with all your heart, all your strength, all your mind, if you are not willing to die for it, live for it, breathe for it…why bother calling yourself a Christian?

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