Thursday, 4 November 2010

Rules of The Game

Lets say life is like a game…
Games have rules that govern how they should be played, these rules are there for the purpose of serving the game and its players. The rules allow for a fair and fun experience. How? By protecting the player, by providing a platform on which to play that avoids players steering into confusion and chaos.

Rules in a game are great. So long as rules aren’t the game.
Life has rules that govern how one should live, these rules are there for the purpose of serving life and the people. The rules allow for a healthy and fruitful life. How? By protecting the people, by providing a platform on which to live that avoids people steering into confusion and chaos.
Rules in life are good. So long as rules aren’t life.
I don’t want to be your imagination for you, so I’ll let you think about the implications.


  1. Good food for serious thought. Thanks Jonathan.

  2. So much for fair play!
